Announcing nuqs version 2

Server-Side usage

Type-safe search params on the server


To parse search params server-side, you can use a loader function.

You create one using the createLoader function, by passing it your search params descriptor object:


import { parseAsFloat, createLoader } from 'nuqs/server'
// Describe your search params, and reuse this in useQueryStates / createSerializer:
export const coordinatesSearchParams = {
  latitude: parseAsFloat.withDefault(0),
  longitude: parseAsFloat.withDefault(0)
export const loadSearchParams = createLoader(coordinatesSearchParams)

Here, loadSearchParams is a function that parses search params and returns state variables to be consumed server-side (the same state type that useQueryStates returns).


import { loadSearchParams } from './search-params'
import type { SearchParams } from 'nuqs/server'
type PageProps = {
  searchParams: Promise<SearchParams>
export default async function Page({ searchParams }: PageProps) {
  const { latitude, longitude } = await loadSearchParams(searchParams)
  return <Map
  // Pro tip: you don't *have* to await the result.
  // Pass the Promise object to children components wrapped in <Suspense>
  // to benefit from PPR / dynamicIO and serve a static outer shell
  // immediately, while streaming in the dynamic parts that depend on
  // the search params when they become available.


Loaders don’t validate your data. If you expect positive integers or JSON-encoded objects of a particular shape, you’ll need to feed the result of the loader to a schema validation library, like Zod.

Built-in validation support is coming. Read the RFC. Alternatively, you can build validation into custom parsers.

The loader function will accept the following input types to parse search params from:

  • A string containing a fully qualified URL:
  • A string containing just search params: ?foo=bar (like
  • A URL object
  • A URLSearchParams object
  • A Request object
  • A Record<string, string | string[] | undefined> (eg: { foo: 'bar' })
  • A Promise of any of the above, in which case it also returns a Promise.


This feature is available for Next.js only.

If you wish to access the searchParams in a deeply nested Server Component (ie: not in the Page component), you can use createSearchParamsCache to do so in a type-safe manner.

Think of it as a loader combined with a way to propagate the parsed values down the RSC tree, like Context would on the client.

import {
} from 'nuqs/server'
// Note: import from 'nuqs/server' to avoid the "use client" directive
export const searchParamsCache = createSearchParamsCache({
  // List your search param keys and associated parsers here:
  q: parseAsString.withDefault(''),
  maxResults: parseAsInteger.withDefault(10)
import { searchParamsCache } from './searchParams'
import { type SearchParams } from 'nuqs/server'
type PageProps = {
  searchParams: Promise<SearchParams> // Next.js 15+: async searchParams prop
export default async function Page({ searchParams }: PageProps) {
  // ⚠️ Don't forget to call `parse` here.
  // You can access type-safe values from the returned object:
  const { q: query } = await searchParamsCache.parse(searchParams)
  return (
      <h1>Search Results for {query}</h1>
      <Results />
function Results() {
  // Access type-safe search params in children server components:
  const maxResults = searchParamsCache.get('maxResults')
  return <span>Showing up to {maxResults} results</span>

The cache will only be valid for the current page render (see React’s cache function).

Note: the cache only works for server components, but you may share your parser declaration with useQueryStates for type-safety in client components:

import {
} from 'nuqs/server'
export const coordinatesParsers = {
  lat: parseAsFloat.withDefault(45.18),
  lng: parseAsFloat.withDefault(5.72)
export const coordinatesCache = createSearchParamsCache(coordinatesParsers)
import { coordinatesCache } from './searchParams'
import { Server } from './server'
import { Client } from './client'
export default async function Page({ searchParams }) {
  await coordinatesCache.parse(searchParams)
  return (
      <Server />
        <Client />
import { coordinatesCache } from './searchParams'
export function Server() {
  const { lat, lng } = coordinatesCache.all()
  // or access keys individually:
  const lat = coordinatesCache.get('lat')
  const lng = coordinatesCache.get('lng')
  return (
      Latitude: {lat} - Longitude: {lng}
'use client'
import { useQueryStates } from 'nuqs'
import { coordinatesParsers } from './searchParams'
export function Client() {
  const [{ lat, lng }, setCoordinates] = useQueryStates(coordinatesParsers)
  // ...

Shorter search params keys

Just like useQueryStates, you can define a urlKeys object to map the variable names defined by the parser to shorter keys in the URL. They will be translated on read and your codebase can only refer to variable names that make sense for your domain or business logic.

export const coordinatesParsers = {
  // Use human-readable variable names throughout your codebase
  latitude: parseAsFloat.withDefault(45.18),
  longitude: parseAsFloat.withDefault(5.72)
export const coordinatesCache = createSearchParamsCache(coordinatesParsers, {
  urlKeys: {
    // Remap them to read from shorter keys in the URL
    latitude: 'lat',
    longitude: 'lng'

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